Monday, 25 May 2015

The selfie has been around since the invention of the camera. A selfie is a self portrait or a group photo including the photographer, taken with a hand held digital camera or phone. Selfies have been so popular and have been effected in one's everyday life. It has been so popular that has been made into a song, which casted various celebrities.

Selfies are most commonly shared on social media. Everyone has taken a selfie. I myself have some selfies, however I have never used a selfie stick. And never will I use one. In general, I tend think that taking a selfie is so embarrassing especially in public. (That's why these's photos I have taken, are in the comfortable privacy of my home). Just imagine taking a selfie, in public, not only with a selfie stick. (Like come on, that is something you will laugh about) ((Well, I would laugh about it))
Pizzahut's safety video about selfie sticks... I really don't know what to say about this video because I found it very confusing. Also the illustrations/ scenes that were used, I found it very unrealistic. Yes, we should be aware of our surroundings when using the selfie stick. Let's be honest, do you really think we will walk about everywhere with a selfie stick? Causing chaos everywhere we go? No right. So in conclusion, I don't necessarily think that the banishment of selfie sticks have to come into play. As long as you use selfie sticks safely, you can selfie on.

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