Monday 25 May 2015

The selfie has been around since the invention of the camera. A selfie is a self portrait or a group photo including the photographer, taken with a hand held digital camera or phone. Selfies have been so popular and have been effected in one's everyday life. It has been so popular that has been made into a song, which casted various celebrities.

Selfies are most commonly shared on social media. Everyone has taken a selfie. I myself have some selfies, however I have never used a selfie stick. And never will I use one. In general, I tend think that taking a selfie is so embarrassing especially in public. (That's why these's photos I have taken, are in the comfortable privacy of my home). Just imagine taking a selfie, in public, not only with a selfie stick. (Like come on, that is something you will laugh about) ((Well, I would laugh about it))
Pizzahut's safety video about selfie sticks... I really don't know what to say about this video because I found it very confusing. Also the illustrations/ scenes that were used, I found it very unrealistic. Yes, we should be aware of our surroundings when using the selfie stick. Let's be honest, do you really think we will walk about everywhere with a selfie stick? Causing chaos everywhere we go? No right. So in conclusion, I don't necessarily think that the banishment of selfie sticks have to come into play. As long as you use selfie sticks safely, you can selfie on.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Communication

To the present day, people are non stop on their phones, zoning out of the things around them. People are on their non stop, on dates, talking to other people and even texting while driving. This proves that we have no self control when it comes to technology. It keeps us up all night and distracted to the things that matter most to us such as work and sleep. 

Technology has been advancing rapidly. The developments of smart phones, Siri and now the Google glasses. Soon these technologic advances, will fully replace all the all the human and man tasks. However with the inventions such as the google glasses and cars that drive themselves, I find them very unnecessary. I even googled the use for these glasses, there is really no point having a phone in glasses form. What is the use for the invention of cars that can drive themselves? There can be so many errors that can lead to car crashes. Also being a kid, we dreamed of learning how to drive a car, but with the replacement of cars that can drive on it's own, learning to drive will be no use.

Jetsons (TV Series 1962-1988) was a cartoon show that had a family living in the future, with floating cars and robots that did everything us. In one episode, their nanny (the robot) had a technical error, which caused a lot of chaos which drove the family insane. I think this was trying to tell the audience to not rely on technology for everything makes mistakes.
It shocks me to know that we did not have this at one time. When my parents tell me how stories of them how they grew up without any of these advances, I just stare at them and question how they survived. Yes, it is sad to admit that I can not go a day without my phone but I do know my limits. Technology does have it's useful purposes such as messaging someone by text message instead of writing letters, waiting months and months for a reply.

However, we are getting to comfortable with this type of communication that our generation forgets how to actually have a conversation with someone. Our future can just be interaction with other throw a screen, is what we dread most. Don't let keyboards and keypads be the be key to our future.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Stereotypes or Stereo-Gripes...

Growing up, my parents always taught me not to listen to anything on the tv for everything is made up and the people who just created those things were just made for people's enjoyment. Also they also said not to listen to other's opinions but your own. Finally to remember the feelings of others; if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

The advertisement that was shown is very stereotypical. It portrayed think that all truck drivers are aggressive, real men. The reason why the people used this way of advertisement to persuade buyers to make them feel as if they are aggressive and real men. It comes out very offensive to those some on those who are watching this advertisement. In my opinion, this is just an other way people can get viewer to by their products.

I was at Boston Pizza the other day and I went for a quick washroom break. Inside the stall there was this poster that said "Dressing up doesn't make it true." This quickly reminded me about how this commercial is. All the comments that were the people saying in the commercial was really stereotypical. However, not all of it is true. The reason why they do this to persuade to think if you buy this product you will become something you are.

Saturday 2 May 2015

An Environmental Rant (SNC2D1)

The school I go to, there is a pond out in the back. As I walk across the pond, I stare into the the water. I look in disgust at those clumps floating on the surface. I know that lakes have algae but the things that were in the water were most not just algae. As I continued to walk across I noticed more  things in the water. I've seen garbage, a died fish and even a shopping cart. (Out of all things, there was a SHOPPING CART!) What was even saddening about this is that there were little creatures such as ducks trying to live in these conditions.

The clumps of dirt is called pollution. These pollutants released into the atmosphere cause local air pollution. These pollutants contribute to climate change. What bothers me most about climate change is the pollution that caused climate change in the first place. We do things so carelessly that we don't even take into a factor that we are hurting our environment. We need to take care of environment because pollution increases climate change. These constant changes in temperatures can lead to dangerous weather patterns, so
for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change. Yes, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is, the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and floods—all are now more frequent and intense. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science—and act before it’s too late.” - Barack Obama (Current US President) 
As beings who live in this Earth we must start to think about how we can start to help the environment. Our lives are at stake as we find our health being affected by environmental toxins in the air, water and foods we consume. Our earth is a fragile planet with limited resources. The more we educate ourselves about the environmental issues we can start taking action in saving our planet.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Using social media for shaming
Discipline and punishment are two very different things. Discipline is about teaching. It helps a child learn what is expected and eventually learn how to control their behaviour. Parents can worry about the best ways to discipline. For many of us, discipline usually means punishment. Punishment often leaves us feeling hurt, upset and unfairly treated. 

The "Benjamin Button Special" is where a child will be receiving a hair cut styled as an old man. The cut begins shaving the child's crown until it resembles a balding senior citizen. In the article it says that experts believe that shaming as a discipline can be "ineffective and even destructive". Discipline is about guidance. It is a safe way to find out the world for themselves while learning to handling their emotions to work well with each other. A positive approach to discipline is less stressful for children and therefore strengthening the relationship you have with your child. 

I found a tweet of this father who took a video his children after their new hair cuts because of the best grades they have received. It has become popular for parents to sham their children on social media.  I do not agree with this form of discipline for the result of this will make the child angry causing them lash out of their parents even more. Even after the haircut, the child will get bullied at school which will slowly kill the child's self esteem. I will never know the reason why they do it but I think it is because social media has made anything and everything "funny". We must remember that it is the internet and we must respect the family and especially the child. Yes we know that they have done wrong, but however the whole world does not have to know. 

Discipline  ● [dis-uh-phin] noun; training to act in accordance with rules. 
Punishment ● [puhn-ish- muh nt] verb; to subject to pain, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offence, transgression, or fault. 

Sunday 15 March 2015


Twitter is an online social networking that enables users to send and read short messages called tweets. Twitter was created in March 2006 and launched July 2006. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million users who in 2013 posted 340 million tweets per day. Sounds like a very successful network without any negativity, however there is. This is like ying and yang. There's a bit of bad in the good. Many users misuse twitter in a way that becomes offensive and illegal.The comments that were directed to TCDSB and the TDSB were later than targeted at the reporter that was doing a report on the story. This is totally inappropriate behaviour from teens.

Being a twitter user myself, I've seen first hand about these mean twitters directed at fellow classmates. This is cyber-bullying. It is actually a bigger issue than it really is. Such as the Amanda Todd case who dramatically took her life because of all the mean and disgusting things teens were saying to her. There has been plenty of cases that has been affected by cyber-bullying however they only come to attention when something very dramatic happens.
Words hurt and they can't be taken back especially it's on the internet. Will this ever stop? In my opinion, no. I don't think so for there will always be someone saying something negative about you. It will never go away. However, the things that are said they only matter to you if you care about it. A good resolution is to ignore them for if they say it online and ignore you in person, they aren't serious about the things that were said. The people that say these things just feel more powerful behind a screen. I don't think that that there should be laws and Twitter doesn't need to checked/governed. However there are ways people have been preventing from these things from happening such as the help prevent cyber-bulling website. Cyber-bulling is a serious issue that we the future generation must try to eliminate it by learning if you nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all.